Friday, May 20, 2011


On Thursday we spent our craft time assembling goodie bags for S's 3rd birthday party which will be on Saturday - not really crafty but much needed and fun for all of us. We are having a toy story themed party, because the is what she loves more than anything lately.. There were plenty of cheap plastic printed bag options but we wanted something a bit more chic & handcrafted (as always) so we got 16 bright green paper bags, some colored duct tape, a sharpie, and some white round sticky labels and made some pretty cute and crafty alien bags! We stuffed them with ribbon tutus, bubbles, wands, and all sorts of other fun trinkets. Not sure the kids will appreciate the hard work but they will certainly add to the ambiance of the party :)

1 comment:

  1. totally and utterly LOVE IT! What adorable bags and they go perfectly with the Toy Story theme!! what a great idea!
